
Parents into School Afternoon

We will be opening up the school from 2.00pm so that parents and guardians can come into school and work alongside their child. Please confirm attendance via the school app under events. Important note: you can wear your PJ’s too if you like!

Nursery Family Fun

Parents are invited to join their children in a range of christmas themed activities. There will be two sessions one at 8:45am and the other at 2:00pm.

Christmas Bingo

Tickets are now sold out for our annual Christmas bingo. Doors open at 5:45pm and eyes down at 6:15pm

Christmas Parties – Nursery & Reception

Children can come to school in their party clothes. Donations of party food will be greatefully received, a list for this will be in your childs class. We ask that donations are shop bought and are brought in the original packaging.

Christmas Service

We will be visiting Ashby Wesley church where the children in key stage 2 will be taking part in the christmas service led Bob Sheard. Parents are asked to book tickets via the school office if they wish to attend.